Tag Archives: Amadeus

371. The Right Stuff

Tom Wolfe’s superb account about the early days of NASA’s space program needed filmmakers who shared a daring similar to the maverick pilots.

216. Great Scenes – Part Two

What makes for a great scene? Performance? Conflict? Dialogue? Visuals? Music? Combine them and you have atomic weight.

175. The People vs. Larry Flynt

It may have been controversial when it was released twenty years ago, but if ever there were a need for such a film it is right now.

174. The Unbearable Lightness of Being

How well did Philip Kaufman succeed in adapting Milan Kundera’s ‘unfilmable’ philosophical love story?

97. The English Patient

Lyrical language and elliptical plotting can work in a novel, but not necessarily in cinema. Does The English Patient succeed?

77. Barry Lyndon

Stanley Kubrick’s most awarded film is the one that Martin Scorsese says was his best. Ridley Scott worships it. So why is it so seldom seen?

66. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Ken Kesey’s story of social oppression was inspired by the CIA program, MKUltra. Did the film retain the novel’s rage?

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