Tag Archives: Terry Gilliam

280. Metropolis

The influence of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis extends far beyond sci-fi and can be seen in films are varied as Casablanca, An American in Paris and The Birds.

252. Freeze-Frame

Once considered avant-garde, freeze-frame is now common place in every genre. Here are some of landmark and innovative uses of the technique.

246. Dreams

If the dream sequence is a crutch for many dull thrillers, horrors and mysteries, what makes a good one? One that challenges and stretches cinematic language.

228. The Magnificent Ambersons

Orson Welles is celebrated for Citizen Kane but it was this adaptation of Booth Tarkington’s novel that defined his career.

223. Pan’s Labyrinth

Guillermo del Toro says he is “in love with monsters.” In Pan’s Labyrinth, set in the Spanish Civil War, he uses them to navigate history and the world.

117. Good Will Hunting

Written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon to launch their acting careers, the studio wanted Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt.

114. Robin Williams

Robin Williams was a force of nature the likes of which cinema had never seen. But what drove him to those incredible heights and then to the ultimate depth?

95. Shakespeare in Love

A lot of people don’t like this because it beat Saving Private Ryan to the Best Picture Oscar. Is the prejudice justified?

89. The Truman Show

The Truman Show may credit its story as an original screenplay, but it is uncannily similar to several sci-fi TV shows from as far back as the 60s.

73. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

The very definition of ‘landmark film’, without it would there be no Beauty and the Beast, Toy Story or even Avatar.

62. Angel Heart

Some films generate controversy, but Alan Parker’s Angel Heart was creating quite a stir even before it was released. Was it worth the trouble?

53. Brazil

Brazil is Terry Gilliam’s masterpiece. But when he first showed it to the studio, they didn’t know what to make of it. So they decided not to release it.

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